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Abbots Cross Primary School, Newtownabbey

P4 - Miss Cochrane

Welcome to Miss Cochrane’s Primary 4 class page.

We have a fun, jam-packed second term ahead. Our topic in P4 this term is  'Life in the recent past'. We will be learning about evacuees, The Blitz, gas masks, Anne Frank and much more. We will also be completing ABL tasks related to our topic as well as developing our knowledge by watching weekly episodes of Spywatch. Our project this term is to create our own Anderson Shelters - stay tuned to see our wonderful creations! We will also be devleoping our literacy, numeracy and thinking skills. 

In PE our sport this term is ‘dance’ and we will be learning lots of well known WW2 dances including The Charleston, The Lindy Hop and The Lambeth Walk. 

Our class novel this term is 'Grandpas Great Escape'. We can’t wait to go on an adventure with Jack and his Grandpa as they discuss Grandpas adventures as a WW2 flying ace and plot a plan for grandpa to escape from Twilight Towers!

In P4 we are also continuing to learn the recorder on a Tuesday afternoon with Mrs McCormick and we are really enjoying this! 

Stay tuned to see what we are getting up to in primary 4! 

Miss Cochrane.







24th Jun 2024
Today P4 had an amazing day out on our school trip to the Palace Stables as part...
21st Jun 2024
We had so much fun at our second Forest school session this morning. We made pictures...
12th Jun 2024
P4 really enjoyed our first Forest School session with Brian yesterday. We had so...
10th Jun 2024
On Friday our girls school football team participated in the Antrim and Newtownabbey...

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