News - Mrs Eddie
2023/2024 School Year
18th Sep 2023
Mrs Eddie’s P1 class enjoyed their first visit to the school dinner hall last...
31st Aug 2023
What a busy few days we had in P1 this week!
We enjoyed some ‘Getting to...
2022/2023 School Year
9th Jun 2023
This week in P2 we have been creating using natural materials. We painted...
16th May 2023
We had a great morning when our adults were able to come to school and join us during...
3rd May 2023
Mrs Eddie’s P2 class had great fun this week learning and playing outdoors....
9th Mar 2023
Beverley from Sustrans came to visit P2 this week. She chatted with the children...
23rd Feb 2023
Today was our last day visiting our friends at Cliftonville Integrated Primary School....
10th Feb 2023
As part of Internet Safety Day, P2 looked at different ways in which we can stay...
23rd Jan 2023
Mrs Eddie’s P2 class enjoyed a walk around the school grounds as part of their...
23rd Jan 2023
As part of our topic work, P2 have been learning about the importance of good hygiene...
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- Mrs Eddie
- Mrs Harrison
- Mrs Hawe
- Mrs Louden
- Mrs McAuley
- Mrs Ruddock
- Mrs Stewart
- Mrs Taggart
- Mrs Taggart/Miss Lewis
- Nurture
- P2 - Mrs Black/Mrs McMahon
- P4 - Mrs Gordon
- P7 - Mrs Semple
- Parent Workshops
- Peace IV
- Principal's Blog
- Pupils of the month
- School Awards
- School Council
- Shared Education - P1
- Shared Education - P2
- Shared Education - P4
- Shared Education - P5
- Tuesday Cheer-up
Abbots Cross Primary School, Doagh Road, Newtownabbey BT37 9QW Phone: 028 9086 4171