News - Mrs Eddie
2020/2021 School Year
28th Mar 2021
We are delighted to have all our children back in school. To celebrate their...
18th Mar 2021
Mrs Eddie and Mrs White were both very excited to see their Primary 1 class back...
27th Feb 2021
To help our pupils promote their health and wellbeing during lockdown, every week...
27th Feb 2021
Have a look at some of the activities we were busy doing during our half term break!
15th Dec 2020
P1 have been learning how to program a little robot called a "Beebot". We...
15th Dec 2020
What a great day we had all dressed in our Christmas outfits. We enjoyed our...
18th Nov 2020
As part of Anti-Bullying week, Mrs Eddie's P1 class listened to a story about an...
5th Nov 2020
In P1 we have been learning lots of facts about Autumn. We looked carefully at the...
16th Sep 2020
In Mrs Eddie's P1 class we have been very busy learning about Elmer the elephant...
2019/2020 School Year
17th Mar 2020
Hi all, here are links to FREE online education resources that I came across online....
- All
- Attendance stars
- Celebrating Success
- Eco Council
- Homepage
- Miss Gault
- Miss Hull
- Miss Hull-23
- Miss McClean
- Miss McDonald
- Miss Todd
- Mr Allen
- Mr Anthony
- Mr Ferguson
- Mr McAllister
- Mr Nicholl
- Mrs Eddie
- Mrs Harrison
- Mrs Hawe
- Mrs Louden
- Mrs McAuley
- Mrs Ruddock
- Mrs Stewart
- Mrs Taggart
- Mrs Taggart/Miss Lewis
- Nurture
- P2 - Mrs Black/Mrs McMahon
- P4 - Mrs Gordon
- P7 - Mrs Semple
- Parent Workshops
- Peace IV
- Principal's Blog
- Pupils of the month
- School Awards
- School Council
- Shared Education - P1
- Shared Education - P2
- Shared Education - P4
- Shared Education - P5
- Tuesday Cheer-up
Abbots Cross Primary School, Doagh Road, Newtownabbey BT37 9QW Phone: 028 9086 4171