News - Mrs Eddie
2018/2019 School Year
21st Nov 2018
We had a great day meeting up with our friends from Cliftonville Primary. We enjoyed...
25th Oct 2018
This week in P2 we made fresh fruit salad. The children helped to wash the fruit,...
22nd Oct 2018
Today we went on our autumn walk to Rush Park. We enjoyed looking at the different...
16th Oct 2018
Over the past few weeks we have been learning about good foods to eat. In...
6th Oct 2018
Well done to everyone for dressing up so well to celebrate European Day of Languages....
5th Oct 2018
Today as a school we celebrated European Day of Languages. We enjoyed learning some...
18th Sep 2018
Primary 2 have been learning about Healthy Eating. We have been looking at...
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- Attendance stars
- Celebrating Success
- Eco Council
- Homepage
- Miss Gault
- Miss Hull
- Miss Hull-23
- Miss McClean
- Miss McDonald
- Miss Todd
- Mr Allen
- Mr Anthony
- Mr Ferguson
- Mr McAllister
- Mr Nicholl
- Mrs Eddie
- Mrs Harrison
- Mrs Hawe
- Mrs Louden
- Mrs McAuley
- Mrs Ruddock
- Mrs Stewart
- Mrs Taggart
- Mrs Taggart/Miss Lewis
- Nurture
- P2 - Mrs Black/Mrs McMahon
- P4 - Mrs Gordon
- P7 - Mrs Semple
- Parent Workshops
- Peace IV
- Principal's Blog
- Pupils of the month
- School Awards
- School Council
- Shared Education - P1
- Shared Education - P2
- Shared Education - P4
- Shared Education - P5
- Tuesday Cheer-up
Abbots Cross Primary School, Doagh Road, Newtownabbey BT37 9QW Phone: 028 9086 4171